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How to Get a Twitter Blue Checkmark (and Other Minor Features)

In the fast-paced world of social media, the coveted blue checkmark has long been a symbol of prestige and recognition. It’s a status symbol that signifies you’re someone worth paying attention to in the digital realm. But how does one obtain this elusive badge of honour, and what other perks come with it? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of getting a Twitter blue checkmark and explore the additional features that Twitter Blue offers.

Who Gets Verified?

Before we delve into the process, it’s essential to understand that Twitter verification isn’t handed out like candy. It’s reserved for individuals and accounts that Twitter deems notable and authentic. If you come across a profile with a blue checkmark, you can check when they were verified by clicking the checkmark symbol. This will reveal the date they earned their verification badge.

For instance, if you’ve recently acquired the blue checkmark, it will display a recent date. In contrast, profiles like Mark Hamill’s, who have been verified for years, indicate their long-standing notability.

How to Sign Up for Twitter Blue

Getting started with Twitter Blue is a relatively straightforward process:

  1. Click ‘Get Verified’ Button: On your Twitter main page, locate the “Get Verified” button at the upper right, just below the search box.
  2. Select Individual Verification: When prompted, choose between individual or business verification. For the purpose of this guide, we’re focusing on individual verification.
  3. Select Payment Plan: Twitter Blue offers both monthly and yearly subscription plans. Pick the one that suits your needs. Opting for a monthly plan allows flexibility.
  4. Verify and Pay: You’ll be required to provide your phone number for verification and billing details.

The Verification Process

The verification process may vary in terms of duration, but it’s worth noting that the blue checkmark typically arrives relatively quickly. In some cases, users have reported receiving their verification within a few days of signing up for Twitter Blue.

Now, whether you should sign up for Twitter Blue ultimately depends on your goals and priorities. It’s worth considering whether the perks offered align with your needs and whether the blue checkmark will contribute to improved engagement.

In the coming months, it will be interesting to see whether having a blue checkmark results in enhanced user engagement. Twitter Blue presents an opportunity for individuals to unlock a range of exciting features while simultaneously adding that sought-after blue checkmark to their profiles.

What about you? Have you taken the plunge and signed up for Twitter Blue? Are you experiencing improved engagement as a result? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

For expert guidance on leveraging social media for your digital marketing efforts in Chester, turn to Social Buzzing. As a leading social media agency in Chester, we specialise in delivering results-driven strategies that will elevate your brand’s presence.

To explore how Social Buzzing can help you achieve your social media marketing goals, visit Social Buzzing today. Discover the power of Twitter Blue and make your mark in the digital landscape.

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